Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Have you even found your life?

Matthew 16:25
[The words of Jesus] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

This verse is very very interesting to me. The wording is very thought provoking. I looked up the word, "find" in this verse, and one of the definitions for the original word is, "obtain." To me this would imply that until we lose our life for Christ's sake, we haven't even truly found our life.
In my own experience, I find this way of thinking about this verse to be correct. I'm never truly happy unless I'm just giving my life away to the cause of Christ. Selfishness makes me feel rotten inside; however, I tend toward selfishness for the majority of my time.

If I could instantly change one thing about myself, I think I'd make myself much less selfish. Selfishness plagues me. I believe it plagues a good portion of the world.
But when I give up that selfishness, and let God just have my life, no strings attached, I just feel so much better. Living selflessly is so much more rewarding than living selfishly.

Often times we just lose sight of what's really important. We're so focused on the new guitar amp we want that we forget the purpose we want to use it for- to praise the Lord and spread the gospel. We're trying so hard to keep the church running smoothly that we forget what church is all about- praising God. Besides that, the world flies around at a million miles an hour, filled with thousands of things encouraging you to be selfish and have a good time for yourself, when all you really have to do in order to be content is give your life away to God. We get so busy trying to save the life that we're living, when we could just give our life over to God, and he can make it the life that we were supposed to live- the one we were meant to live.

If you don't give your life to God, you will never even find the life that you were meant to live.

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